I think I managed to get a decent Apple Shortcut that pre-populates the daily note. Grabs the city I woke up in, the weather, a list of most of my calendar events, and then some basic productivity prompts from JD Meier's Agile Results I've been using for a decade.
I have this triggered as an automation from my iPhone at 6am.
I'm using the prompts as a weekly/planning exercise with a Monday Vision and Friday Reflection.
The calendar entries are just in a bulleted list so I can capture notes/actions in a BuJo fashion. The event list itself cues me to mentally reflect on the meetings rather than let the business fog them up.
A couple caveats:
- The shenanigans required to format the text is janky, but workable.
- Apple Shortcuts can only append to the bottom of a note, so if you're a F✱N purist, you'll want to move content around on the page to put the newest stuff at the top.

Anyway, sharing.